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Student Safety with School Technology

Student safety is an ultimate priority for schools across the country. This is even more important in today's modern world where more and more communication occurs online, out of view of adults. However, we know that schools can struggle to find edtech funding to invest in the best protection available.

If you are a school administrator, assistant superintendent, or other decision-maker for school budgets, Senso is here to make your decision-making easier. This article explains how you can use the available funding under Title IV Funding to make the best decisions around school safety software. We also hope to improve your understanding of the day-to-day student safety and content filtering practices that Senso software can help you optimize.

Integrating with Title IV funding

School technology and edtech funding, especially for safety technology, is facing issues with the cut to ESSER funding. However, there are still options out there to ensure your school doesn't forget student safety due to underfunding.

Title IV Funding provides a block funding that school budgets must allocate towards 3 key areas:

1. Providing a well-rounded education

2. Supporting the effective use of technology

3. Supporting safe and healthy schools

We recommend that you use this funding to purchase technologies that can provide a comprehensive, software system for an efficient, well-rounded educational environment. School technology funding from this grant should focus on supporting mental health and well-being and giving schools confidence in their ability to support students in a variety of ways, both in and outside of the classroom.

Senso’s school online safety software is the ideal place to allocate this funding. This is because we design our software to keep schools safe, providing staff, teachers, and students with the technology tools they need to support a safe, healthy school climate.

Elements of Senso’s Student Safety Software

Senso’s Safeguard Cloud integrates a range of protective modules and technologies to facilitate comprehensive and complete online security. Among these technologies are:

• Visual Threat Analysis
• Keyword Libraries
• Email Alerts
• Remote Control
• Client Live Chat
• Acceptable User Policies (AUP)
• Lock Screen

For more information on the specific technologies that go into building our Student Safety Software, visit our previous safety blogs.

What is Assisted Monitoring?

Senso’s Assisted Monitoring program is a unique integration of technology and human expertise to prevent harm to students. The software detects keywords and content related to self-harm, suicide, and related topics. The system then flags them as potential safety risks to be securely and privately monitored by a team of experts.

This system keeps all information private while maintaining a high level of protection for students. This information is then sent to our Assisted Monitoring team automatically to be assessed and categorized as relevant, urgent, or irrelevant. This reduces the number of false positives in the school safeguarding system. Therefore, Assisted Monitoring can save time for each school’s student wellbeing team, allowing them to focus on students in need, effectively and immediately.

The software places these warnings as a priority within reports for student wellbeing teams to address through in-person and digital intervention strategies targeted at individual students.

Simple Guide to Web Filtering Capacities with Senso

Web filtering is an often misunderstood and undervalued aspect of safeguarding. However, it is one of the most important ways to protect students online and to ensure your school is compliant with SOPPA policies that can impact your funding opportunities if not followed. For more on legal requirements for web filtering, take a look at the full Guide to SOPPA.

Real-time filtering
Senso’s content Filtering Software is a real-time, remote monitoring system that proactively and efficiently removes inappropriate or harmful search results, images, or web queries from student devices. Senso’s safety systems also automatically blocks access to adult of dangerous content by running it against a variety of filtering systems which are built around a compressive, and regularly updated keyword database.

DNS filtering with Senso 2.0
With Senso 2.0, we are introducing a comprehensive DNS Filter system to filter and block websites, improving the potential of typical content filtering to meet and surpass standards for student safety. Our filtering and monitoring software has an unbeatable rate for false positives. This means that students have increased freedom on the internet while teachers and para-educators are assured of their safety and security online.

AI image identification
Using the latest AI software, our content filtering system blocks inappropriate images. Even if not associated directly with flagged keywords, this innovative method of protection can identify adult or harmful content using AI machine learning technology to block and remove access.

Senso for School Safety – Dedicated to Student Wellbeing

Try out our Safeguard Cloud, Assisted Monitoring, and Content Filtering software with a Free Demo of Senso Software today. For more information and advice on how Senso’s software helps you utilize technology and student wellbeing grants and funding, get in touch with our team at 866-664-1520.