How The Romero Catholic Academy MAC benefitted from the remote support, safeguarding and management tools provided within Senso.
Number of devices:
Senso bundle chosen:
Prior to Senso
The schools safeguarding staff however did use the software, but only to mark sensitive screenshots as false positive or investigative matters, often finding that the number of false positives was detrimental to proactive safeguarding due to the time-consuming number of false-positive logs which were coming through, and lack of intelligent refinement and customisation options. An example being the DSL’s were desperate to add to the detection libraries to provide more relevant and accurate monitoring, but this wasn’t possible.
Previous Challenges
The software and support were jeopardising the preventative methods that could be used for safeguarding our children.
Implementing Senso
A free trial proved Senso was the only truly cloud-based solution available, clearly designed for multi-site management without taking away and of the key customisations for school-based staff, alongside a proactive and intelligent monitoring and safeguarding solution.
Online Training & Support
The decision was made to invest in Senso across the trust. Online training and supporting videos and documents meant the DSL’s were confidently utilising Senso after only a few weeks.
Confidently Safeguard
Staff and Students Online
Technical Support
Future Developments
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